Chef makes cartoon pancake caricature of actor Will Smith
Chonburi, Thailand #Food & Travel
Russian mobile short range ballistic missile system in action in Ukraine
Ukraine #Conflict & Protests
Smart pet dog helps owner dig stuck tractor out of mud
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand #Pets
Angry villagers lynch fugitive who 'raped and murder of two teenage girls 14 years ago'
Phetchaburi, Thailand #General News
Hero tourist rushes to save mother and daughter swept away by sudden waterfall surge
Chongqing, China #Everyday Heroes
Russian artillery units in action during so-called special military operation in Ukraine
Ukraine #Conflict & Protests
Massive fire rips through newly built pharmaceutical factory in China
Jiangsu, China #General News
Factory churns out strange black geyser of steam
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Pet cat walks awkwardly along bed of cactus plants
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Cute toddler has funny reaction over birthday cake's 'magic candle'
Davao City, the Philippines #Cute Kids
Workers skin pineapples within seconds using mechanical peelers
Ratchaburi, Thailand #Food & Travel
Huge explosion in Korean oil refinery leaves at least one dead, nine injured
Ulsan, South Korea #General News
Tractor tips over while carrying soil in China
Fujian, China #Cars & Vehicles
Japanese scientists develop creepy eye-rolling and convulsing robot child that medics can practice on
Kyoto, Japan #General News
Motorcycle rider using his phone crashes into parked car
Hua Hin, southern Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Truck carries potted giant cacti for delivery
Ratchaburi, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Crocodile acts like a guard dog for a family in Thailand
Phitsanulok, Thailand #Wildlife
Tourists mesmerised by 3D TV installation in China
Shaanxi, China #Food & Travel
Pet cat has funny reaction when seeing portable water fountain for first time at home
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Curvy Thai cook wears Kim Kardashian outfit to attract customers to noodle stall
Bangkok, Thailand #Food & Travel