Vegetarian train passenger slaps waiter for being served meat
West Bengal, India #General News
Mouse runs around with its head stuck in an eggshell
Ganzhou, Jiangxi #Cars & Vehicles
Police have kick-about with locals during Paris Olympics
Paris, France #Heartwarming
Pet owner floats to safety with his dog during typhoon
Quezon, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Lorry driver with raised truck bed smashes into archway that collapses on cab
Guangxi, China #Cars & Vehicles
Driver spots trapped kitten's paw poking out from car and rescues the animal
Shandong, China #Heartwarming
Indian man teasing cobra gets bitten and needs rushing to hospital
Andhra Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Just Stop Oil climate zealots hit Heathrow Airport in London
London, UK #Conflict & Protests
Firemen tackle blaze at landfill site in Naples, Italy
Naples, Italy #General News
Stray dog unwittingly prevents passengers from stepping off moving train
India #Pets
Artist makes leaf sculpture remembering former Indian President
India #Awesomeness
Russia marks Navy Day with fireworks over St Petersburg
Saint Petersburg, Russia #General News
Pakistan tribal war erupts leaving hundreds dead and injured
Kurram, Pakistan #Conflict & Protests
Stromboli Volcano eruption captured on CCTV in Italy
Sicily, Italy #Natural World
Scientists launch Arctic mission to find secret of melting glaciers
Greenland #Climate & Weather
Python wraps itself around Indian's man neck as he goes to toilet in bushes
Madhya Pradesh, India #General News
Heartwarming moment brothers are reunited after 28 years apart
Fujian, China #Heartwarming
Waterspout tornado looms over Panama City Beach in Florida
FL, USA #Climate & Weather
Cat plays tenderly with rat... surprising onlookers who thought they would fight
India #Pets
Young rocket enthusiast impresses with self-taught skills in China
Shaoxing, Zhejiang #Awesomeness