Macaw bird swings two baby green forpus birds
Bangkok, Thailand #
Mystery as dozens of dead birds and dolphins are found on Russian beach
Krasnodar Krai, Russia #
Mynas bird chooses people's lottery numbers in Thailand
Ang Thong #
Rare Hoopoe bird feeds on forest floor of a mountain in the Philippines
Rizal, Philippines #
Cats crowd over balcony to watch birds
Yala province, Thailand #
Paramotor flying captures flock of birds flying over rice field
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand #
Tortoise 'taxi' lets pet birds ride on its shell
Nonthaburi, Thailand #
Bird scares beachgoers before pecking man's crotch in Australia
Etty bay Queensland #
Cute mother and father bird huddle together to keep baby warm during Thailand cold spell
Birds from Serbia seen in Thailand enjoying warmer winter climes
Trang #
Silly bird slides down car windshield while trying to climb onto roof
Orange Walk, Belize #
Friendly hornbill bird entertains holiday resort guest in Singapore
Singapore #
Hundreds of birds found dead after New Year fireworks in Rome
Rome, Italy #