Youth activists protest military dictatorship on eve of Burmese Martyr's Day in Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar #Conflict & Protests
Burmese soldiers burn down mountainside village in Myanmar
Chuncung village in Hakha township, Chin state #Conflict & Protests
Resistance fighters set alight excavator operated by Burmese junta
Magway Division, Myanmar #Conflict & Protests
Resistance fighters drive over cases of beer 'owned by Burmese military'
Magway, Myanmar #General News
Anti-junta protesters commemorate activist executed by Burmese dictator 46 years ago
Yangon, Myanmar #General News
Resistance fighters destroy shipment of beer owned by Burmese military
Shan state, Myanmar #General News
Furious Burmese locals destroy phone mast of company for 'obeying military orders to cut internet'
Sar Lin Kyi, Myanmar #Conflict & Protests
German tourist who had long-distance Thai girlfriend shocked when she disappears with his valuables
Pattaya, Thailand #General News
Myanmar resistance fighters bomb bridge with Thailand as struggle against military junta continues
Tak, Thailand #
Myanmar rebels train mercenaries to join resistance war against military
Kayah State, Myanmar #
Taliban flag raised at Panjshir Governor's house as resistance stronghold falls
Afghanistan #
Taliban rest in village near Panjshir valley during clashes with resistance soldiers
Afghanistan #
Taliban-controlled tank fires at resistance soldiers in Panjshir
Afghanistan #
Taliban cross Panjshir river to confront resistance fighters
Afghanistan #
Taliban fighters close in on Panjshir resistance forces
Afghanistan #
Afghans start resistance against Taliban regime
Afghanistan #
Thai massage workers are using blue PVC pipes to give socially distanced rub downs during the pandem
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand #