Abandoned Golden Retriever rescued by hikers from tall mountain
Sichuan, China #Everyday Heroes
Three-year-old boy lowered into cargo hold to retrieve ship part in film-like scene
Anhui, China #Cars & Vehicles
Resident uses lobster to retrieve fallen sock
Guangxi Province, China #Awesomeness
Pet Golden Retriever carries basket in its mouth across road
Cebu, Philippines #Pets
Golden Retriever eats lunch with giant tortoise
Khon Kaen, Thailand #Pets
Genetic mutation makes Labrador always hungry, researchers claim
Cambridge, UK #Pets
Golden Retriever dog patiently waits for free bread from delivery truck worker
Chiang Rai, Thailand #Pets
Puppies cuddle up together in line in kennel
Benguet, Philippines #Pets
Resident makes this hilarious gadget to retrieve shuttlecock from roof
Loei, Thailand #Funny Virals
Pensioner, 68, dives in chilly pond to retrieve tourist's dropped phone
Shandong, China #Everyday Heroes
Man tumbles into river after getting startled by his golden retriever that brushed againsthim
Fujian, China #Funny Virals
Giant panda climbs tree to retrieve zoo visitor's balloon stuck in branches
Hunan, China #Wildlife
Pet dog afraid of water finally jumps into pool with encouragement from boy
Bukidnon, Philippines #Pets
Bungling Golden Retriever puppy accidentally falls into lake
Sa Kaeo, Thailand #Pets
Japanese man helps tourist retrieve his money from drain outside train station
Tokyo, Japan #Everyday Heroes
Golden Retriever enjoys dip in muddy pond
Kalasin, Thailand #Pets
Friendly pet Labrador gets treat from supermarket cashier
Pathum Thani, Thailand #Pets
Kind passerby drives lost Golden Retriever pooch around neighbourhood to find owner
Shandong, China #Pets
Pet dog tangled in quilt when wind blows it onto him
Yunnan, China #Pets
Golden Retriever stuck in narrow space between cars when he tries to pass through with toy
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets