Two Poodle dogs trapped on steep cliff rescued
Trang, Thailand #Pets
Four French Bulldogs have adorable 'bark off' at pet show
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Motorcycle sidecar passenger shelters dog with umbrella
Phetchaburi, Thailand #Pets
Puppy sleeps comfortably in set of weighing scales
Bulacan, Philippines #Pets
Puppy stuck behind wall in family home rescued by firemen
CA, USA #Pets
Smart stray dog uses zebra crossing to navigate busy road
Nonthaburi, Thailand #Pets
Pet dog with no front legs wins hearts with its struggle to walk
Buriram, Thailand #Pets
Dog with head stuck in plastic jar for three days finally rescued
Trat, Thailand #Pets
Poor boy blows out candle on apple and wishes to be rich
Shandong, China #Cute Kids
Dogs ride on top of trailer carrying hay
Surin Province, Thailand #Pets
Pet dogs bark at each other from either side of open gate
Surin, Thailand #Pets
Gym bro German Shepherd helps woman do sit-ups
Phuket, Thailand #Pets
Woman chips white ball onto friend's head while trying to break
Hunan, China #Funny Virals
Stray dog attacks woman when lift door opens in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Huge whale carcass found on beach in the Philippines
Surigao del Norte, Philippines #Wildlife
Motorcycle rider carries inflated paddling pool on his head
Vientiane, Laos #Cars & Vehicles
Mother bear takes two babies for a dip in family's swimming pool
CA, USA #Wildlife
Puppy plays in pool fountain to cool off during heat wave
Manila, Philippines #Pets
Uncle dances with his pet dog on his back at Chinese party
Yunnan, China #Pets
Girl bitten by dog in apartment lift in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News