Huge waterspout tornado churns up the sea of the Philippines coast
Leyte, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Waterspout tornado terrifies fishermen as it swirls off coastal town in the Philippines
Bataan, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Waterspout tornado crosses onto land and tears off roofs from seaside homes
Quezon, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Fishermen flee as waterspout tornado threatens boats in the Philippines
Sorsogon, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Terrifying waterspout whirls close to fishing boats in the Philippines
Masbate, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Double waterspout tornado forms off the coast of southern Thailand
Krabi, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Needle-like waterspout tornado whirls off beach in Thailand
Rayong, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Bizarre UFO-like funnel cloud forms after waterspout is spotted off Thai coast
Chanthaburi, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Double waterspout tornado forms at sea during off-shore tropical rain shower in Thailand
Phuket, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Gigantic waterspout forms beside local thunderstorm off the coast of Florida
FL, USA #Climate & Weather
Waterspout tornado forms under massive eerie dark clouds in California
California, USA #Climate & Weather
Frantic fishermen prays as he flees from enormous waterspout in the Philippines
Masbate, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Massive waterspout tornado tears along beach in Indonesia
East Java, Indonesia #Climate & Weather
Boat flees from enormous waterspout tornado in the Philippines
Bohol, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Waterspout forms along crystal blue waters near beach in the Philippines
Palawan, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Terrifying whirlpool rips across the sea like shark swimming towards the shore
Surat Thani Province, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Thin waterspout tornado forms next to rain curtain at sea in the Philippines
Leyte, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Enormous waterspout surfs along water near beach in the Philippines
Palawan, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Spectacular thick waterspout forms next to coastal village in the Philippines
Pangasinan, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Nascent waterspout twists next to sailboat off tourist island in the Philippines
Boracay, Philippines #Climate & Weather