Myanmar protest erupts as thousands join general strike march in Yangon
Mandalay, Myanmar #
Myanmar protest swells as thousands join strike march in Yangon
Mandalay, Myanmar #
Myanmar protest marches continue following weekend violence that left two dead
Mandalay, Myanmar #
Myanmar protesters hold memorial march for girl, 19, shot by police
Mandalay, Myanmar #
Myanmar protest march continues following military coup
Naypyitaw, Myanmar #
Burmese LBGT followers join protest march against military coup
Naypyitaw, Myanmar #
Hero delivery rider carries dozens of parcels on motorcycle
Semenyih Selangor, Indonesia #
Elephant steals sugarcane from passing truck
Chachoengsao, Thailand #
Hundreds of army ants build camp out of dead leaves while searching food
Savanna Field Station in central Belize #
Hungry wild elephant steals sugarcane from passing trucks like highway robber
Chachoengsao, Thailand #
Hungry wild elephant attacks pickup truck in search of food
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand #
Ravenous monkeys climb onto moving pickup truck in search of food
Lopburi, Thailand #
Myanmar protest march continues amid fears for safety of Aung San Suu Kyi
Yangon, Myanmar #
Myanmar protest marches continue for ninth day on anniversary of general who fought the British
Yangon, Myanmar #
Myanmar protest marches continue for eighth consecutive day despite military crackdown
Yangon, Myanmar #
Truck overloaded with sugarcane stalks wobbles and topples over
Udonthani #
Myanmar protest march held in rural Tachileik on border with Thailand
Tachileik, Myanmar #
American woman explains why she joined Myanmar protest march against military coup
Myanmar #
Myanmar protest march converges on Yangon City Hall amid anger at military coup
Yangon #
Myanmar protesters surround police trucks at march against military coup
Yangon #