Cars stall on road flooded by monsoon rains in Myanmar
Shan state, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Overflowing spillway halts motorists as monsoon rains hit the Philippines
Sultan Kudarat province, the Philippines #Climate & Weather
Huge dust tornado dyed black after sweeping up iron dust in northern China
Hebei, China #Climate & Weather
House collapses after flood erodes foundation during rainstorm Thailand
Lampang, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Mountain run-off inundates village with muddy flood water in Thailand
Chiang Mai province, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Terrifying tornado rips through countryside in northeastern China
Heilongjiang, China #Climate & Weather
Sudden rainstorm floods riverside neighbourhood in the Philippines
Metro Manila, the Philippines #Climate & Weather
Two missing after flash flood sweeps four people away in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Flash floods hit southern Thailand as country's rainy season begins
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Vehicles struggle to drive through deep flood in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Plastic sheet wraps around man during windy day in China
Henan, China #Climate & Weather
Dust devil tornado follows woman through car park
Udon Thani, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Locals carry on with Covid-19 screening despite rainstorm battering testing site in China
Guangxi, China #Climate & Weather
Hailstorm pelts homes in village in Myanmar
Naung Pain, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Hero passer-by helps motorcycle rider who fell over in the rain
Bangkok, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Thick dust blankets roads as harsh sandstorm hits Baghdad, Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq #Climate & Weather
Dust whips through homes during severe sandstorm in Baghdad, Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq #Climate & Weather
Apocalyptic scenes as dust storm shrouds Baghdad, Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq #General News
Locals enjoy new park as during humid weather in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Delighted youngsters splash across flooded street in rescue boat
Surigao del Sur, the Philippines #Climate & Weather