Smart pet dog helps owner dig stuck tractor out of mud
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand #Pets
Large waterspout tornado shocks fishermen as it swirls off the coast of Indonesia
North Kalimantan Province, Indonesia #Climate & Weather
Vivid double rainbow forms after heavy rain in northern China
Xinjiang, China #Climate & Weather
Bulldozer ferries students taking entrance exams through heavy flood in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Bizarre 'cauliflower' clouds appear over Inner Mongolia
Inner Mongolia, China #Climate & Weather
Guilin River swollen after heavy rains hit southern China
Guangxi, China #Climate & Weather
Terrifying waterspout forms near boat during storm in the Philippines
Negros Oriental, the Philippines #Climate & Weather
Locals fish in muddy deluge left by storm in southern China
Guangxi, China #Climate & Weather
Rescue teams evacuate stranded residents amid severe flooding in southern China
Yunnan, China #Climate & Weather
Roads flooded as thunderstorm dumps rain in Changsha City, Hunan
Hunan, China #Climate & Weather
Terrifying dust devil tornado whips up rubbish in Myanmar village
Kachin, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Scary moment house blows up during rainstorm 'after being struck by lightning'
Guizhou, China #Climate & Weather
Huge lightning bolt illuminates expressway in the Philippines
Pampanga, the Philippines #Climate & Weather
Spectacular waterspout tornado pierced by golden sunlight at dawn
Negros Oriental, the Philippines #Climate & Weather
Rainbow appears over homes after rain shower in St Petersburg, Russia
St Petersburg, Russia #Climate & Weather
Torrential rain caused by low-pressure area of weather leaves trail of damage in Myanmar
Mawlamyine, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Bumper-level flood swamps road after heavy rain in northern Thailand
Chiang Mai, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Locals trudge through knee-deep flood after heavy rain in Myanmar
Tachileik, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Sun shines brightly as heavy rain falls in Myanmar during bizarre weather paradox
Yangon, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Workers watch sandstorm blow through buildings in Kuwait
Sabah Al Salem, Kuwait #Climate & Weather