Indian cricket team land back in Mumbai following T20 World Cup victory
Maharashtra, India #General News
India cricket team has open-top bus parade celebrating T20 victory
Maharashtra, India #General News
India cricket fans line shores of Mumbai to for T20 victory parade
Maharashtra, India #General News
India cricket team given hero's welcome after T20 victory
Delhi, India #Sport
Pack of stray dogs attack child playing outside home in India
Telangana, India #General News
Landslide crashes into road amid heavy rain in India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Bridge under construction over river collapses in India
Telangana, India #Climate & Weather
Aging bridge collapses amid heavy rain in northern India
Bihar, India #Climate & Weather
Rhino calf separated from mother during floods rescued in India
Assam, India #Wildlife
Ten injured when brakes fail on bus carrying pilgrims in India
Jammu and Kashmir #General News
Out of control bus crashes injuring 10 in india
Jammu and Kashmir #General News
Eerie silence falls over scene of India stampede horror
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Elephant calf fights for life in flooded river in India
Assam, India #Wildlife
India stampede survivors treated in hospital as 121 die
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Stranded leopard rescued from well in India
Maharashtra, India #Everyday Heroes
India floods wash away cars during heavy rain storms
Rajasthan, India #Climate & Weather
Landslide buries road as onlookers flee in India
Mizoram, India #Natural World
Worker survives being buried alive in soil for 30 minutes in India
Gujarat, India #General News
Passengers leap from out-of-control bus as brakes fail
Jammu #General News
Flash floods wash away cars in northern India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather