Hero neighbours rescue pet cat trapped on steep building ledge in China
Guangdong, China #Everyday Heroes
Resident rescues stray cat trapped amid heavy floods in Thailand
Saraburi Province, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Pet cat rescued after being found trapped in ceiling in Taiwan
Pingtung county, southern Taiwan #Pets
Cat trapped on top of tree rescued using cherry picker
Suphan Buri, Thailand #
Villagers break ice on frozen river to catch trapped fish in China
Heilongjiang province, China #
Kind woman saves cat trapped under rock in the Philippines
Manila, the Philippines #
Cat trapped in sewer rescued in Indonesia
Indonesia #
Mother cat rescued after spending five days trapped in an old water tank
Phetchabun, Thailand #
Woman saves pet cat trapped under well using bucket
Aceh province, Indonesia #
Kind tourists rescue cat trapped in narrow gap of dock in Singapore
Singapore #
Worker digs hole on concrete floor to save trapped cat
Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia #