Low rider! Modified scooter hands just inches from the road
Manila, Philippines #Cars & Vehicles
Myanmar troops hit resistance forces with air strikes along Thai border
Tak, Thailand #Conflict & Protests
Fierce gunfight as rebels raid military camp in Myanmar
Chin, Myanmar (Burma) #Conflict & Protests
Muscular man whips back with elastic bands in exercise fail
Roi Et, Thailand #Funny Virals
Burmese resistance uses modified retail DRONES to drop bombs on state coup rebels
Myanmar #Conflict & Protests
Driver attaches ballon to car trunk so vehicles would keep distance as he carried cargo
Bangkok, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Anti-junta militia ambush trucks carrying Burmese soldiers in Myanmar
Dawei, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Resistance fighters clash with Burmese soldiers patrolling river in Myanmar
Shwegu, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Burmese revolutionary youth sing ‘Bella Ciao’ during protest against military regime
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Masked monks march in city streets to protest dictatorship in Myanmar
Mandalay, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Student activists call for 'unity against military' during protest in Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) #Conflict & Protests
Militia salute flag during celebration of the Karenni Army Day in Myanmar
Kayah State, Myanmar (Burma) #Conflict & Protests
Protester kneels down to apologise to residents during strike in Yangon, Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Protesters in Germany honour Burmese martyrs on 34th anniversary of historic '8888 People's Uprising'
Berlin, Germany #General News
Burmese soldiers 'torch five homes in village before fleeing on boats' in Myanmar
Wetlet, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Brave villagers hold candle-lit protest against brutal military junta in Myanmar
Kani, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Villagers protest against 'cruel military junta oppression' in Myanmar
Yinmabin, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Youths in resistance stronghold protest Burmese military's iron-fisted regime
Yin Mar Bin, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Burmese revolutionary forces vow to fight military dictatorship during protest
Sagaing, Myanmar (Burma) #General News
Anti-coup protesters hold strike on Burmese Martyrs' Day in Myanmar
Yinmabin, Myanmar (Burma) #General News