Fishermen rescue sea turtle stuck in net
Phuket, Thailand #Heartwarming
Rescue teams search for survivors of Indonesia gold mine landslide
Gorontalo, Indonesia #General News
Worker who paddled in sea to cool off rescued after floating for 19 hours on rubber ring
New Taipei City, Taiwan #General News
India building collapse rescuers search rubble for survivors
Gujarat, India #General News
Beached sea turtle carried back into ocean by rescuers in Florida
FL, USA #Wildlife
Boat captain rescues baby sea turtle stuck on net
Krabi, Thailand #Wildlife
Rescue teams recover submerged van from sea in Italy
Trieste, Italy #General News
Rescuers extract kitten from car engine and search under tall grass when it escapes
Chonburi, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Hero beachgoers rescue boy drowning at sea in Thailand
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand #Everyday Heroes
Rescued loggerhead turtle returned to the sea in Florida
FL, USA #Wildlife
Rescuers search for two miners trapped in illegal tunnel in the Philippines
Davao del Norte, Philippines #General News
Taiwan earthquake rescuers search collapsed building in epicentre
Hualien, Taiwan #General News
Marine rescue team saves seal stuck between rocks in New Hampshire
New Hampshire, USA #Wildlife
Tender moment rescued sea lions are released into the wild
Córdoba Province, Argentina #Wildlife
Seal pup tangled in fishing net rescued on beach in Russia
Dagestan, Russia #Wildlife
Frantic India avalanche rescue teams search for survivors
Gulmarg Colony, Jammu #General News
Fishermen rescue sea turtle tangled in net
Rayong, Thailand #Wildlife
Rescuers search with excavators through landslide that killed 44 in China
Yunnan, China #General News
Seal trapped in plastic for SIX YEARS rescued in Cornwall
Cornwall, UK #Wildlife
Thailand fireworks factory explosion rescue teams search through debris
Suphan Buri, Thailand #General News