Driver battles through flooded road after heavy rain in China
Shandong, China #Climate & Weather
Iron bridge swept away by flooded river while villager crossed in China
Jiangxi, China #Climate & Weather
Hundreds of homes flooded after heavy rain causes river to burst its banks in Myanmar
Kachin, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Stranded youngster jumps across rocks to escape flooded river in the Philippines
Camarines Sur, the Philippines #Climate & Weather
Drivers battled through flooded road after heavy rain in Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Hardworking coconut vendor swims in flooded river to collect fallen fruit
Quezon City, the Philippines #
Homes flooded road after Bangkok river overflows following rainstorm
Bangkok, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Locals wade through flooded streets after Bangkok river overflows following rainstorm
Bangkok, Thailand #
Bangkok roads flooded as city's river overflows following rainstorm
Bangkok, Thailand #
Truck driver braves flooded road in the Philippines
Davao del Sur, Philippines #
Rescue team helps driver stuck in car on flooded road in China
China #
Heavy rain turns road into flooded river in China
China #
Drivers battle through flooded road after heavy rain in the Philippines
Davao Del Sur, the Philippines #
Heartwarming moment pensioner braves flooded river to save his pet dog
Toledo City Cebu #
Motorcycle washed away when rider tries to cross flooded river
Pahang, Malysia #