Cheeky rat gorges on fried chicken in front of stunned diners at Malaysian restaurant
Selangor, Malaysia #Wildlife
Hungry macaques gorge on fresh fruits after Covid-19 stifles tourism in Myanmar
Monya, Myanmar #Wildlife
Furry friends gorge on pet food in doggie restaurant at annual Petshop Days Festival in St Petersburg, Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia #Pets
Tourists flee from muddy torrents that gushed through a gorge in China
Xinjiang, China #Climate & Weather
Monkeys and pig gorge on strawberries at exotic pet cafe in Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar #Pets
Durian lovers gorge on controversial 'stinky' fruit at all-you-can-eat buffet in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Rescuers battle to help 32 stone housebound Thai man who gorged on rice all day
Uthai Thani, Thailand #