Passengers stranded as Microsoft outage affects flights at Manila airport
Manila, Philippines #General News
Gatwick Airport hit by Microsoft outage with flights delayed
London, UK #
Cabin crew surprise passenger on his birthday
Hong Kong #Heartwarming
Mount Lewotobi eruption causes flight cancellations in Indonesia
East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia #Natural World
Passengers swelter as flight is delayed for two hours without air-con
Shanghai, China #General News
Turbulence injures 40 passengers on flight from Madrid
Madrid, Spain #General News
Phuket floods swamp homes as severe rain causes flight diversions
Phuket, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Phuket floods swamp streets with flights diverted due to monsoon rain
Phuket, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Julian Assange lands in Bangkok on freedom flight for Australia
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Julian Assange stops in Bangkok on freedom flight to Australia
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Korean flight attendants entertain travellers with dance performance
Seoul, South Korea #Heartwarming
Flight crew demonstrates stretching to passengers before arrival
Guangdong, China #Food & Travel
Passengers swelter as aircon fails onboard Boeing 737 in India
Delhi, India #General News
Passenger strip when air con fails on Qatar Airways flight
Doha, Qatar #General News
Escaped sugar glider smuggled onboard plane causes chaos in China
Shanghai, China #General News
Dehydrated plane passengers collapse as air-con fails before fire
Athens, Greece #General News
Flight in India diverted following bomb threat onboard
Delhi, India #General News
Lightning strike hits Goa airport causing flight diversions
Goa, India #Climate & Weather
Opera singers entertain passengers on plane on delayed flight
Xinjiang, China #Heartwarming
Flight instructor and student pilot injured when trainer plane crashes into sea in the Philippines
La Union, Philippines #General News