Hail storm batter garden in North Texas
Texas, USA #Climate & Weather
Lightning storms rattle Texas with one dead
TX, USA #Climate & Weather
Schoolchildren collapse as parts of India experience heatwave hits 52.3C
Bihar, India #Climate & Weather
Drivers battle through flooded roads in Houston, Texas
TX, USA #Climate & Weather
Mammoth crocodile clambers over railings next to river in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Robber suffers instant karma when victim is female kickboxer who beats him up
Chaco Province, Argentina #General News
Large cobra extracted from woman's car engine
Chiang Mai, Thailand #Wildlife
Mass brawl erupts in the ring as boxer taunts loser after judge's decision
Phuket, Thailand #Sport
Sun bear relaxes in water amid hot weather in Taiwan
Kaohsiung City, Taiwan #Wildlife
Texas hit by severe storms following weekend tornadoes
Texas, USA #Climate & Weather
Thunderstorms hit Fort Worth in Dallas, Texas
TX, USA #Climate & Weather
Texas storm smashes into neighbourhood in Garland
TX, USA #Climate & Weather
Hailstorm batters home in Texas
Texas, USA #Climate & Weather
Mutant fish with bulging eyes emerges from toxic water in China
Guangdong Province, China #Wildlife
House explosion injures three in India
Jammu and Kashmir, India #General News
Boeing 737 blown away from gate during storm in Texas
TX, USA #General News
Daughter comes home after six years to surprise dad, 70, on his birthday
Cagayan, Philippines #General News
Schoolchildren exercise on oil drums in China
Guangdong Province, China #Awesomeness
Contortionist cat climbs into tiny cardboard box
Nonthaburi City Municipality, Thailand #Pets
Strong arms of the law! Policeman have boxing tournament in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #General News