Locals catch fish on flooded road after heavy rain in Thailand
Pattaya, Thailand #
Water pours into family's kitchen during rainstorm in northeastern Thailand
Buri Ram, Thailand #
Beautiful double rainbow appears over village in China
China #
Three people dead after heavy rainfall causes 'mini-tsunami' in Malaysia
Kedah, Malaysia #
Water pours on Brooklyn subway train during Tropical Storm Henri
New York, USA #
Hail rains down on village in tropical country the Philippines
Sultan Kudarat, the Philippines #
Passengers follow Covid-19 social distancing rules on subway train in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #
River overflows flooding villages after heavy rain in northern Thailand
Chiang Rai, Thailand #
Thrill-seeker rides jet ski on flooded road after heavy rain in Thailand
Trang, Thailand #
Small lumps of ice rain down on villages in the Philippines during tropical hailstorm
Bulacan, the Philippines #
Flash floods hit southern Thailand after heavy rain
Surat Thani, Thailand #
Heavy rain triggers flooding in China
China #
Cars drive through floods after heavy rain in Thailand
Khon Kaen, Thailand #
Delivery rider gets stuck on flooded road as monsoon rain submerges village in the Philippines
General Santos City. the Philippines #
Brave woman crosses busy highway during rainstorm to help stranded kitten
Bangkok, Thailand #
Heavy rains from typhoon Lupit drench roads in China
China #
Anti vaccine passport demonstrators march through rain in France
France #
Overloaded bus crosses river after heavy rain in the Philippines
Philippines #
Thousands of jellyfish float in water near shore in Bahrain
Manama, Bahrain #
Cars submerged in flooded roads after typhoon Lupit brings torrential rains in China
China #