Mudslide sweeps away house on mountain after heavy rain in China
Guangxi, China #Climate & Weather
Hundreds of homes flooded after heavy rain causes river to burst its banks in Myanmar
Kachin, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Heavy rain causes floods in northern Myanmar close to China
Laiza, Kachin State #Climate & Weather
Flood submerges cars and homes after days of heavy rain in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Firetruck swept away by deluge after heavy rain in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Vivid double rainbow forms after heavy rain in northern China
Xinjiang, China #Climate & Weather
Surging waterfall overflows into streets following heavy rain in Indonesia
West Sumatra, Indonesia #Climate & Weather
Pickup truck struggles across rugged dirt road drenched by heavy rain
Chiang Mai province, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Loving mother pigeon bird protects babies form heavy rain in China
Jiangxi, China #Wildlife
Guilin River swollen after heavy rains hit southern China
Guangxi, China #Climate & Weather
Market floods after heavy rain storm batters Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia #Climate & Weather
Couch surfing! Armchair and sofa float down flooded road after heavy rain in Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia #Climate & Weather
Low Pressure Area spawns heavy rains and flash floods in the Philippines
Davao City #Climate & Weather
Bumper-level flood swamps road after heavy rain in northern Thailand
Chiang Mai, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Locals trudge through knee-deep flood after heavy rain in Myanmar
Tachileik, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Sun shines brightly as heavy rain falls in Myanmar during bizarre weather paradox
Yangon, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Muddy torrents surge through flooded street after heavy rain in Myanmar
Karen State, Myanmar #Climate & Weather
Flash flood destroys house as northwestern monsoon dumps heavy rain in Thailand
Lampang, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Train line closed after heavy flood leaks into subway station in eastern China
Zhejiang, China #Climate & Weather
Heavy rain hits northeastern Thailand as country enters wet season
Maha Sarakham, Thailand #Climate & Weather