'Sick' dove fails to fly when it is released at Independence Day event in India
Chhattisgarh, India #General News
Anoa makes rare appearance at Indonesian death ceremony
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #General News
Snake frees itself after four hours with its head trapped in a beer can
Telangana, India #Wildlife
Rescuers break through wall to rescue trapped kitten
Almaty, Kazakhstan #Pets
Pet dog with helmet rides pillion on electric scooter
Tarlac, Philippines #Pets
Out-of-control truck crashes into tractor on motorway in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #General News
Children race in sacks and motorcycle helmets at fun community event
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #Funny Virals
Locals compete in stone lifting ritual in India
Uttarakhand, India #General News
Helicopter rescues hiker and pet dog in Italy
Vercelli, Italy #General News
Tortoise pets dressed as pirates wander through shopping mall
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Worker uses DIY skills to rescue kitten trapped behind wall
Songkhla, Thailand #Pets
Protective pet cat pounces woman to defend owner
Manila, Philippines #Pets
Cheeky orangutan fondles woman's breasts leaving onlookers in hysterics
Bangkok, Thailand #Wildlife
Firemen carry pet dog to safety from burning building
Manila, Philippines #Everyday Heroes
Ferocious snake attacks resident having a nap outside house
Saraburi, Thailand #Wildlife
Smoker throws match onto floor which ignites trail of petrol
Andhra Pradesh, India #General News
Fighter jet performs fly-by over USS Dwight D Eisenhower
United States #Conflict & Protests
Girl sits on pet pig to eat her breakfast
Guangxi, China #Pets
Leave me alone! Golden Retriever closes eyes while chicks peck him
Vientiane, Laos #Pets
Cheeky pet cat pushes chair onto owner's head
Chaiyaphum, Thailand #Pets