Russians launch supersonic missile from Black Sea at airfield in Ukraine
Ukraine #Conflict & Protests
Firetruck swept away by deluge after heavy rain in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Russian missiles take out buildings and military vehicles in Ukraine
Ukraine #Conflict & Protests
Sudden storm smashes open doors of warehouse in Thailand
Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Stranded local clings onto tree as flood rages around him in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Sudden tropical storm downpour batters street food stall in Thailand
Phichit, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Brave fishermen jump into river during storm to save drowning dog
Saraburi, Thailand #General News
Rain storm bizarrely covers only part of road due to rare weather phenomenon
Roxas City, the Philippines #Climate & Weather
Playful lads enjoy splashing flood but scrambles when lightning stuck
Surat Thani, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Canadian vet saves trapped deer in Poland while assisting animals affected by Ukraine War
Poland #Awesomeness
Russian howitzers take out camouflaged Ukrainian positions
Ukraine #Conflict & Protests
Homemade missile system takes out two Russian infantry fighting vehicles
Ukraine #Conflict & Protests
Ukrainian paratroopers take out two Russian tanks with Javelin missile system
Ukraine #Conflict & Protests
Russian frigate launches missiles at enemy targets
Ukraine #Conflict & Protests
Train carriage converted into sleeping quarters for railway workers in Thailand
Ayutthaya, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Motorcycle riders push their bikes through flooded road in Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Cambodia #Climate & Weather
Russia carries out bizarre zip wire war games with Syria
Syria #Conflict & Protests
Monsoon flash floods wreak havoc on hospital and homes in Thailand
Loei, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Chef makes cartoon pancake caricature of Russian President Vladimir Putin
Chonburi, Thailand #Food & Travel
Strong gusts tear apart billboards and posters during storm in Myanmar
Muse, Myanmar #Climate & Weather