Residents go fishing in flooded town after rains in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Cloud seeding rocket plunges onto sidewalk narrowly missing pedestrians in China
Sichuan, China #General News
Landslide buries homes leaving at least eight dead in Sierra Leone
Freetown, Sierra Leone #Climate & Weather
Cars drive through surging floods as storm batters Sierra Leone
Freetown, Sierra Leone #Climate & Weather
Water sloshes on flooded road following monsoon rains in the Philippines
Davao del Sur, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Woman loses nearly all her belongings to disastrous '1,000-year' flood in Dallas, Texas
Texas, USA #Climate & Weather
Overloaded boat carries children to school amid storm Ma-On floods
Bulacan, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Firefighters hose down wildfires tearing through woodlands in southwest China
Chongqing, China #Climate & Weather
Tropical Storm Ma On lashes homes as it makes landfall in southern China
Guangdong, China #Climate & Weather
Civilians help firemen battle raging wildfires in China's Chongqing region
Chongqing, China #Climate & Weather
Nursing home flooded after storm batters Mississippi
Mississippi, USA #Climate & Weather
Bus wades through heavy flood during tropical storm in the Philippines
Cebu, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Drivers have free 'carwash' as rain cascades down overpass like waterfalls in China
Hebei, China #Climate & Weather
Helicopters dispatched to extinguish wildfires in Chongqing, China
Chongqing, China #Climate & Weather
Tropical storm Ma On floods submerge village homes and cars in northern Philippines
Cagayan, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Residents cool off next to fountain during warm summer weather in St Petersburg, Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia #Climate & Weather
Time-lapse footage shows water rapidly rising during Tropical Storm Ma On in the Philippines
Metro Manila, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Severe floods turn roads into rivers following heavy rain in Indonesia
West Papua, Indonesia #Climate & Weather
Parents carry students through floods as Tropical Storm Ma On batters the Philippines
Bulacan, Philippines #Climate & Weather
Hero resident saves two schoolchildren swept away by raging floods in Thailand
Udon Thani, Thailand #Climate & Weather