Hecicopter dropped mid-air while being airlifted for repairs
Uttarakhand, India #General News
Helicopter pilot DROPS second chopper being airlifted for repairs
Uttarakhand, India #General News
Coast guard helicopter winches five to safety from stranded boat in South Carolina
SC, USA #Everyday Heroes
Stranded hikers winched to safety in Italy
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy #General News
Stranded Alpine skier winched to safety by helicopter in Italy
Cuneo, Italy #General News
Helicopter winches two injured ground rescuers to safety in California
CA, USA #General News
Rescue team winch stray dog stranded on bridge pier in Thailand
Phuket, Thailand #Heartwarming
Rescuers use backhoe to winch stranded buffalo from ditch in Thailand
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand #General News
Child winched to safety from stricken Pakistan cable car
Pakistan #General News
Pakistan cable car rescue team attempts to winch child to safety
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan #General News
Neighbours winch stranded cow to safety from narrow ditch in Indonesia
West Java, Indonesia #Wildlife
Neighbours winch stranded cow to safety from narrow ditch in Indonesia
West Java, Indonesia #Pets
Residents use cherry picker crane to winch stranded cow from ditch
Lamphun, Thailand #Everyday Heroes
Motorcycle rider winched to safety after falling into thick mud
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Fisherman with arm stuck in trawler winch of boat for two days rescued in Thailand
Samut Prakan, Thailand #Everyday Heroes