Girl rides white horse as lightning streaks across sky behind her
Xinjiang, China #Pets
Eerie portal to the heavens opens in sky in Indonesia
East Java, Indonesia #Natural World
Shooting star streaks across night sky above Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #General News
Shooting star streaks across night sky by in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Traveller encounters bizarre light streak in China
Xinjiang, China #Climate & Weather
Locals amazed as space debris resembling shooting star streaks through sky over the Philippines
Zambales, Philippines #General News
Starlink satelite glides across the night sky in Thailand
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand #Technology
Mystery object streaks across sky in Chile
Coquimbo, Chile #General News
Burning space debris streaks over homes in the Philippines
Northern Samar, Philippines #General News
Baffled residents watch as ‘UFO’ streaks over city skies in China
Heilongjiang, China #General News
UFO with fast-moving lights streaks across sky in China
Heilongjiang, China #General News
Once-in-a-lifetime 'Green Comet' streaks across sky over the Philippines
Metro Manila, Philippines #Natural World
'Ball of fire' believed to be Chinese rocket debris streaks across night sky before explosion jolts residents on Philippine island
Palawan, Philippines #General News
Spectacular meteor streaks across sky in Glasgow, Scotland
Scotland, UK #Climate & Weather
Meteor streaks across night sky in central China
Henan, China #
Meteor streaks through sky in eastern China
Shandong, China #