Driver hits two yaks battling on road in China
Sichuan, China #Wildlife
Drivers battle through flooded roads in Sinaloa, Mexico
Sinaloa, Mexico #Cars & Vehicles
Drivers battle through flooded roads in Houston, Texas
TX, USA #Climate & Weather
Driver battles to negotiate narrow road in China
Beijing, China #Cars & Vehicles
Drivers battle through severe flood covering road in northern Thailand
Uttaradit Province, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Drivers battle through roads submerged by floods
Chonburi, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Cars battle through flooded roads after torrential monsoon rains hit northeast Thailand
Chaiyaphum, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Two wild elephant bulls battle for territory on road in Thailand
Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand #Wildlife
Drivers battle through flooded road during monsoon season storm in northeast Thailand
Khon Kaen, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Driver battles through flooded road after heavy rain in China
Shandong, China #Climate & Weather
Drivers battled through flooded road after heavy rain in Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Heavy snow hits China as drivers battle through blizzard on roads
Qinghai, China #
Drivers battle through flooded road after heavy rain in the Philippines
Davao Del Sur, the Philippines #
Locals battle through blocked roads after landslides in the Philippines
Almeria Biliran province, Philippines #