Pet robot dog walks through park... and even waves paw at children
Bangkok, Thailand #Technology
Human robot takes his robot pet dog for a walk in dystopian scenes in China
Shanghai, China #Technology
Pet dog perplexed by encounter with surprisingly life-like robot dog
Davao del Sur, Philippines #Pets
Cleaning robot gets revenge on messy pet dog by biting its TAIL
Shanxi, China #Pets
Robot dog scares real pooches at Thai pet expo event
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Cute pet Scottish Fold kitten rides robot vacuum cleaner around house
Bangkok, Thailand #Pets
Futuristic robot answers visitor questions at exhibition in St Petersburg, Russia
St Petersburg, Russia #Technology
Pet cat goes for a ride on Roomba robot vacuum cleaner
Ranong, Thailand #Pets
Fluffy pet cat stands on top of moving robot vacuum cleaner
Ranong, Thailand #
Gundam robot fans compete to build models at event in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand #
Chinese robot dog can 'guide the blind and protect home from intruders' just like real pets
Hangzhou, China #