JCB rescues cow stuck in drain in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Rescue team carry cow to safety through floods in Thailand
Phrae, Thailand #Wildlife
Clumsy cow gets its hoof trapped in tree trunk
Yunnan, China #Pets
Lost cow flailing in river dragged to safety by rescuers
Uttarakhand, India #Wildlife
Cow rescued after falling into safety tank in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Locals rescue cow trapped in river in India
Uttarakhand, India #Wildlife
Locals rescue cow that fell into safety tank in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Locals rescue animals from flooded cow shed in India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Locals rescue two cows that fell into drain in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #General News
Cow trapped in 12ft deep well rescued by firemen in India
Uttarakhand, India #General News
Cow stuck in drain rescued in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Firemen rescue dog stranded on balcony for two days in Moscow
Moscow, Russia #Pets
Firemen rescue cow stranded in floods in China
Guizhou, China #Everyday Heroes
Cow stuck in muddy pit rescued in Thailand
Chonburi, Thailand #Pets
Cow rescued from 100ft deep well filled with toxic gas in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Locals rescue cow stuck in pond in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Everyday Heroes
Injured Jersey cow rescued from snake-infested well in India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Heartwarming
Firemen rescue cow stuck in 40ft deep well
South Sulawesi, Indonesia #Wildlife
Cow rescued after falling into drain in northern India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets
Cow rescued after falling into septic tank in northern India
Madhya Pradesh, India #Pets