Flash floods cause traffic chaos amid rain in Mumbai
Maharashtra, India #Climate & Weather
Mumbai suffers rush hour flood chaos after heavy rain
Maharashtra, India #Climate & Weather
Rainwater surges through streets in flash floods in Mumbai
Maharashtra, India #Climate & Weather
Locals trudge through flooded streets in Mumbai, India
Maharashtra, India #Climate & Weather
Tunnel flooded during heavy rain in Mumbai
Maharashtra, India #Climate & Weather
Roads flooded causing traffic chaos in Mumbai, India
Maharashtra, India #Climate & Weather
Homes collapse into Ganga River amid rain in India
Bihar, India #Climate & Weather
Ten homes swallowed up by the Ganga River in India
Bihar, India #Climate & Weather
Homes collapse into Ganga River in India
Bihar, India #Climate & Weather
Ganga River level rises causing floods in northern India
Bihar, India #Climate & Weather
Taj Mahal temple flooded amid heavy rain in northern India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Climate & Weather
Roads turned into rivers by heavy rain in India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Couple cling to submerged car washed away during India flood
Gujarat, India #Everyday Heroes
Human chain saves goat from raging floods in India
Rajasthan, India #Everyday Heroes
Neighbours lift dog on a bench through chest-deep floods in India
Gujarat, India #Climate & Weather
Hundreds of new cars flooded as heavy rain lashes India
Andhra Pradesh, India #Cars & Vehicles
Drones deliver aid to flood stricken residents in India
Andhra Pradesh, India #Climate & Weather
Heavy rain causes floods in Jodhpur, northern India
Rajasthan, India #Climate & Weather
Helicopter drops food to flood stricken residents in India
Andhra Pradesh, India #Climate & Weather
Officials repair railway bridge damaged by floods in India
Telangana, India #Climate & Weather