Pet raccoon rummages through cupboard for food

Published date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 21:07:55 +0700

This is the amusing moment a pet raccoon rummaged through a cupboard for food.
Puiifaii caught her albino pet raccoon named Babeb ransacking for snacks in the overhead cabinets in Chonburi, Thailand.
Footage shows the three-year-old furry creature opening the cabinets one by one to check for a snack in the kitchen.
Moments later, it looked at the top of the fridge and found a packet of chocolate.
He immediately grabbed it and attempted to munch the candy, but its owner took it away from him.
Puiifaii said: 'He always does this whenever he is hungry. He might have seen us taking out some food from the cabinet and it gave him the idea that he could get some snacks there.'
Albino raccoons are very rare as only one out of 10,000 raccoons is born with albinism according to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.


Chonburi, Thailand
Duration: 01:43
Rating: Brand safe
Albino raccoon cupboard food
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