Coach collides with milk tanker in India killing 18 and injuring 19 in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #General News
Driverless bus runs over petrol pump attendant inflating motorcycle tyres
Uttar Pradesh, India #Cars & Vehicles
Influencer travels to Tibet in 78 days and picks up five tonnes of rubbish along the way
Tibet, China #Everyday Heroes
Driver pulled to safety from burning car seconds before it erupts into giant fireball
Heilongjiang, China #General News
Locals smash car window sinking in swamp to save family stuck inside
Guangdong, China #Everyday Heroes
Sudden road barrier collision triggers car airbags in China
Anhui, China #Cars & Vehicles
Motorcycle rider wiggles as he tries to avoid crashing
Songkhla, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Landslide crashes into road amid heavy rain in India
Uttarakhand, India #Climate & Weather
Out of control bus crashes injuring 10 in india
Jammu and Kashmir #General News
Car washed away by floods pulled from stream in Italy
Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, Italy #Climate & Weather
Mother bear and her two cubs wander through streets in Tibet
Tibet, China #Wildlife
Motorbike rider and passenger crashes through signboard trying to enter gas station
Roi Et, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Pick up truck crashes in front of shops in Thailand
Yala, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Mercedes motorist demolishes food stall trike that falls on owner
Sichuan, China #Cars & Vehicles
Moment Chinese test rocket launches before crashing back toground
#General News
Pickup truck rams lorry along slippery road in Thailand
Surat Thani, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Fighting bulls crash into grocery shop in India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Wildlife
Avalanche crashes down mountain northern India
Uttar Pradesh, India #Natural World
Campervan crashes into parked truck killing 13 in India
Karnataka, India #General News
Level crossing barrier crashes onto car roof
Bangkok, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles