Streetlights give off steam during hot weather in China
Chongqing, China #Climate & Weather
Three killed in perfume warehouse fire in Bangalore, India
Karnataka, India #General News
Bus belches thick clouds of exhaust fumes on road in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Dozens of students confined from 'inhaling extinguisher fumes' during school ceremony
Khon Kaen, Thailand #General News
Mount Stromboli creates mushroom cloud-shaped fume as it erupts in Italy
Sicily, Italy #Natural World
Truck covers drivers behind in thick plumes of exhaust fumes
Udon Thani, Thailand #Cars & Vehicles
Philippines Taal Volcano spews 3,000-metre white smoke plume sending volcanic smog into nearby villages
Batangas, Philippines #Natural World
Mount Stromboli volcano spews toxic fumes after erupting in Italy
Sicily, Italy #Natural World
Toxic chemical cloud billows from Argentina highway
Buenos Aires Province, Argentina #General News
Buses belch out black clouds of fumes as air pollution worsens in Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand #Climate & Weather
Struggling fisherman finds whopping 3.4kg lump of ambergris worth £108k
Trat, Thailand #General News